See the most recent version of the README and the project on the repository:

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Unofficial (unaffiliated) Node.js npm package for the API of the online supermarket Picnic.

Getting started

Using npm:

npm install picnic-api

Then import the package into your project. PicnicClient is the default export. CountryCodes can be included when you want to make requests for the German version of Picnic for example. ImageSizes can be used for retreiving images. HttpMethods can be used when you want to make custom requests. More on that below.

import PicnicClient, { CountryCodes, ImageSizes, HttpMethods } from "picnic-api";

Now initialize the Picnic client with an optional options object.

const picnicClient = new PicnicClient();

// or

const picnicClient = new PicnicClient({
    countryCode: CountryCodes.NL, // The country code for the requests.
    apiVersion: "15", // default 15 as this is what the app currently uses. The api version for the requests. Does not seem to do anything yet.
    authKey: "long string here", // default null. The code for the x-picnic-auth header to make authenticated requests. If not supplied then login() needs to be called before making any other requests.
    url: "url here" // default The url to send requests to.

If no authKey was given in the options use the login method. Empty response if successful, otherwise an error.

await picnicClient.login("email", "password");
// send an authenticated request...

// or

picnicClient.login("email", "password").then(_ => {
    // send an authenticated request...

Example of a GET request:

let searchResults = await"Affligem blond");

// or"Affligem blond").then(searchResults => {


Example of a POST request:

await picnicClient.addProductToShoppingCart(11295810, 2);

// or

picnicClient.addProductToShoppingCart(11295810, 2).then(shoppingCart => {


If you like this library then consider using my discount code MAAR3267 so that we both get a 5 euro discount on our orders. 😄

API Routes

Most API routes have been implemented as methods in the PicnicClient class. However, to get a list of all known API routes the method getKnownApiRoutes can be used. These routes are extracted from the Picnic android app. Latest extraction done for version 1.15.71.

Examples of a custom (unimplemented) request:

picnicClient.sendRequest(HttpMethods.GET, "/unknown/route");
picnicClient.sendRequest(HttpMethods.POST, "/invite/friend", { email: "" });

Implemented routes

List of implemented routes and their parameters.

 * Logs the user into picnic to be able to send requests.
 * @param {String} username The username of the Picnic account.
 * @param {String} password The password of the Picnic account.
 * @returns {Promise} Empty response if successful, otherwise an error.
login (username, password)

 * Gets the details of the current logged in user.
getUserDetails ()

 * Searches in picnic products.
 * @param {String} query The keywords to search for. 
search (query)

 * returns a suggestion on Picnic products matching the query.
 * @param {String} query The keywords for suggestions. 
getSuggestions (query)

 * Returns the detials of a specific product.
 * @param {String} productId The id of the product to get. 
getProduct (productId)

 * Retreives product images from the server.
 * @param {String} imageId The image id to retreive.
 * @param {String} size The size of the image to return.
getImage (imageId, size)

 * Returns the catgories.
 * @param {Number} [depth=0] The cagetory depth of items to retrieve.
getCategories (depth = 0)

 * Returns the shopping cart information of the user and contents.
getShoppingCart ()

 * Adds a product to the shopping cart.
 * @param {String} productId The id of the product to add.
 * @param {Number} [count=1] The amount of this product to add. 
addProductToShoppingCart (productId, count = 1)

 * Removes a product from the shopping cart.
 * @param {String} productId The id of the product to remove.
 * @param {Number} [count=1] The amount of this product to remove. 
removeProductFromShoppingCart (productId, count = 1)

 * Clears the shopping cart of the user.
clearShoppingCart ()

 * Get all the delivery slots.
getDeliverySlots ()

 * Selects a delivery slot.
 * @param {String} slotId The id of the delivery slot to be selected.
setDeliverySlot (slotId)

 * Returns all past and current deliveries of the user. 
 * @param {Boolean} [summary=false] Return a summary (less data).
 * @param {Array} [filter=[]] An array with the statusses of the deliveries. For example; ['COMPLETED'] will only get completed deliveries. Possible options include CURRENT, COMPLETED and CANCELLED.
getDeliveries (summary = false, filter = [])

 * Get the details of one specific delivery.
 * @param {String} deliveryId The id of the delivery to look up.
getDelivery (deliveryId)

 * Get the position of one specific delivery. Only works on deliveries on the way.
 * @param {String} deliveryId The id of the delivery to look up.
getDeliveryPosition (deliveryId)

 * Cancels the order with the given delivery id.
 * @param {String} deliveryId 
cancelDelivery (deliveryId)

 * Sets a rating for the delivery from 0 to 10. Will return 400 if a delivery already has a rating. 
 * @param {String} deliveryId 
 * @param {Number} rating 
setDeliveryRating (deliveryId, rating)

 * (Re)sends the invoice email of the delivery.
 * @param {String} deliveryId 
sendDeliveryInvoiceEmail (deliveryId)

 * Returns the status of the order (not delivery) with the given id.
 * @param {String} orderId 
getOrderStatus (orderId)

 * Returns all the lists and sublists.
 * @param {Number} [depth=0] The cagetory depth of items to retrieve.
getLists (depth = 0)

 * Returns the list and its sublists, or a specific sublist if the id is given.
 * @param {String} listId The id of the list to get.
 * @param {String} [subListId] The id of the sub list to get.
 * @param {Number} [depth=0] The cagetory depth of items to retrieve.
getList (listId, subListId, depth = 0)

 * Returns the MGM details. This are the friends discount data. 
getMgmDetails ()

 * Returns the list of consent settings.
 * @param {Boolean} [general] Returns only the 'general' consent settings.
getConsentSettings (general = false)

 * Sets one or multiple consent options to true or false.
 * @param {{consent_request_text_id: String, consent_request_locale: String, agreement: Boolean}[]} consentDeclarations An array of objects of consent items. Example: [ { consent_request_text_id: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', consent_request_locale: 'nl_NL', agreement: false } ]
setConsentSettings (consentDeclarations)

 * Can be used to send custom requests that are not implemented but do need authentication for it.
 * @param {String} method The HTTP method to use, such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
 * @param {String} path The path, possibly including query params. Example: '/cart/set_delivery_slot' or '/my_store?depth=0'.
 * @param {Object|Array} data The request body, usually in case of a POST or PUT request.
sendRequest (method, path, data = null)

 * Returns list (string) of all known API routes.
getKnownApiRoutes ()

 * Country codes for the Picnic requests.
const CountryCodes = {
    NL: "NL",
    DE: "DE"

 * HTTP Methods to be used for custom requests.
const HttpMethods = {
    GET: "get",
    HEAD: "head",
    POST: "post",
    PUT: "put",
    DELETE: "delete",
    CONNECT: "connect",
    OPTIONS: "options",
    TRACE: "trace",
    PATCH: "patch"

 * Image sizes for retreiving product images.
export const ImageSizes = {
    TINY: "tiny",
    SMALL: "small",
    MEDIUM: "medium",
    LARGE: "large",
    EXTRA_LARGE: "extra-large"